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Volunteer to Write History

The Magnolia Historical Society practices a unique approach to writing history. For each of our books, volunteer writers—residents of Magnolia or folks with a strong connection to the neighborhood—are paired with peer editors to write memoirs or academically researched stories on specific topics. 


Our newest venture, Book IV, is an ongoing, online collection of Magnolia history that we hope to expand, story by story. If you are interested in joining us as a writer or peer editor, have a story idea, or want to support us in any way, please contact us!

Typical Volunteer Positions

  • Writer
    Writers are volunteers who put together a memoir or academically researched story relating to the history of Magnolia. These can be mini memories 1-2 pages, slightly longer 3-4 pages, a full length memoir, a photo essay with text, an academically researched story with endnote citations. We do not do word limits. Each writer is welcomed by the project manager with an introductory meeting and determination of topic/resources, given clear submission instructions, deadlines and assigned a peer editor. We welcome beginning writers to professionals. Writers retain copyrights but allow the Magnolia Historical Society to use their material. Writers provide illustrations or images and captions for their stories.

  • Peer Editor 
    A Peer Editor is an experienced writer who volunteers to work one on one with a writer from preparing the first draft to a publishable, correctly formatted final draft ready for the content and copy editors.



Below Magnolia Bluff, Seattle, ca. 1915; H. Ambrose Kiehl Photographs; no known copyright

Below Magnolia Bluff, Seattle, ca. 1915; H. Ambrose Kiehl Photographs; (Public Domain)

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