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Magnolia Lighthouse

Welcome to the Magnolia Historical Society, dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of our neighborhood.

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Introducing Book IV
MAGNOLIA: More Memories & Milestones

An online, ongoing collection in living color!

Our Books

Books I-III now available on Kindle!

Book IV Cover
Discovery Park Lighthouse
Magnolia Boulevard

Our Mission

At the Magnolia Historical Society, we work with community members to research and write the history of our neighborhood. With our award-winning books, we strive to:

Initiate interest in Magnolia history - gather and protect it for future generations.

Invest in community historical research and writing of Magnolia history that encourages historic projects and events.

Inspire the Magnolia community to gather acquisitions for our photo and document archives at University of Washington Special Collections.

Encourage a more accurate “sense of place” through our work preserving the stories and images of Magnolia.

Stay current with Magnolia History -
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